White Wine - one of the most refined and healthy drinks in the world

Mywonderwine Crama Histria Blog Post

White wine is one of the most refined and healthy drinks. Here's what you need to know about it.

Dates, family meals or relaxing evenings alone? White wine is the most popular choice most of the times. And the health benefits will double its flavour.

In the following lines you will discover some of those amazing properties, which complete the taste of white wine.

White wine - Calories

Alcohol is forbidden in diets, but to better manage your calorie intake, it is good to know how many calories are hidden in the drinks you consume most often.

Dry white wine has 70kcal / 100ml, and sweet wine 163kcal / 100ml. Both, however, have much less than champagne, which sits at 183kcal / 100ml.


1. Depending on the grape variety

 The aroma of a white wine is directly influenced by the grapes used in its production. The quality of the grapes varies depending on the fertility of the soil, the climate in which it is grown and a number of other important factors.

We will shortly describe the most delicious types of white wine, depending on the grape variety:


Its name comes from the grapes from which it is made. Originally, they were grown in the Burgundy region of France, but the crops spread to many parts of the world, including Romania. Chardonnay white wine has a mild taste, with a distinct floral aroma and it is suitable with fish or seafood dishes.

50% Chardonnay is what our Ammos White Wine contains, along with Sauvignon Blanc and Riesling.

Sauvignon Blanc

The quality grapes from which it is made also come from France. Whether dry, semi-sweet or sweet, Sauvignon Blanc has an intense aroma and nostalgic scent of vine flowers. It is slightly sour and with a taste reminiscent of melon. When it's a few years old in an oak barrel, it's even tastier. Our Nikolaos White Wine is definitely a great choice when it comes to 100% Sauvignon Blanc grape wines.

Also, 25% of our Ammos White Wine is pure Sauvignon Blanc.


The name of this wine and grapes comes from the German term "spicy". It has exotic aromas, with spicy and influential notes of ginger and cinnamon, as well as lychee. In fact, the components of lychees are similar to those of grapes of this kind. If served with wild hunt steak or Munster cheese, Gewürztraminer white wine is an elite delicacy. We recommend that you do not miss it!

Pinot Gris

Its name comes from the French language: pinot means pine cone and refers to the shape of the grape. It grows on quality soil in Burgundy, France. Pinot Gris white wine has a low alcohol content and a variety of flavours (including green apple, pear and melon), forming an excellent combination with fresh cheese, salads and desserts such as tiramisu or cheese pie.


We go back to Germany, where it appeared, but was also ignored for a long time. Riesling white wine has been truly appreciated in the last decade for its superior qualities. Not only is it one of the most aromatic wines in the world, but it also has a range of exotic flavours, depending on how ripe the grapes are. Its tastes are influenced by pineapple, nectarine and peach. Drink very cold, at about 6 degrees and harmonize with Asian cuisine, especially if it includes curry, turmeric or soy sauce.

25% Riesling is what gives Ammos White Wine it's outstanding aroma and exotic flavour.

2. Depending on the amount of sugar they contain

Well, if you've ever thought that the sweet or dry taste of wine is influenced by grapes, you're wrong. In fact, it depends on the fermentation process, which may vary depending on the manufacturer's preferences.

And so the following categories of wine result:

Dry wine

Dry wine yeasts consume, during fermentation, the sugar in the grape juice and turn it into ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide. The amount of sugar left in the composition of the wine is small, 4g/litre.


Sweeter than dry wine, but not sweet enough to be considered sweet, semi-dry wine is obtained by ending the fermentation process later, so that the yeasts do not consume all the sugar. How much sugar is there? Between 4 and 12g/l.

Semi-sweet wine

When the amount of sugar is between 12 and 50g / litre, the wine is semi-sweet. How come? Also by stopping the fermentation of the grape juice before it is complete.

Sweet wine

Compare it with the dry ones and the difference will be striking! The sugar concentration in sweet wine is 50g / litre. Some producers add extra sugar during fermentation, others alcohol. Both processes stop the yeasts from consuming the sugar in the grapes.

White wine - Benefits

White wine has a wide range of benefits and minerals, including potassium, calcium or magnesium, water-soluble vitamins such as B1, B2, B5 and B6, folic acid, B12 and even vitamin C. One glass of white wine a day increases the strength of the immune system against viruses, promotes the secretion of gastric juice from the stomach by being a good digestive, and it can treat insomnia, having a calming effect.

Studies have shown that it does not contain cholesterol, fibre or fat, and one of the most important benefits is its high content of antioxidants, with anti-aging properties.

White wine thins the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots and can reduce angina attacks.

Which wine has the most health benefits? White or red wine?

No one can deny that wine is a tasty drink, which harmoniously compliments any meal, whether it is red or white. Both types are good for your health. Wondering which one is the best after all?

If we compare a glass of red wine with a white one by consulting the values ​​offered by the US Department of Agriculture, the differences would be the following:

White wine has fewer calories.

Red wine contains, on average, less natural sugar (0.9g versus 1.4g).

Red wine contains 4% of the recommended daily dose of iron and 5% of magnesium, while the values ​​for white are 2 and 4%, respectively.

White wine has a low risk of hangover, unlike red wine.

White wine does not stain teeth; the red one, does.

Red wine contains about 8.4 mg of choline, a substance that promotes the harmonious development of the brain and metabolism, and white wine only 6.3 mg.

Red wine prevents cataracts due to its rich content of lutein and zeaxanthin (7%).

Red wine contains 3.4% phosphorus, which helps the kidneys to filter toxic substances, while white wine contains 2.6%.

As you can see, both white and red have many benefits, but red proves to be healthier. Some studies show that red wine can help the body fight cancer, thanks to resveratrol and cardioprotective polyphenols in its composition.

White wine recipes

Mywonderwine Crama Histria Blog Post

Baked lamb steak with white wine

To prepare lamb with white wine you need:

white wine (1 glass), lamb (2 kg), bacon (200 g), thyme, dried garlic, sunflower oil (1 cup), lemon, pepper, salt.

Bone the lamb, then grease it with a mixture of lemon, garlic sauce and thyme. In the tray where you place it, add a glass of water and oil. The bacon is placed over the lamb, cut into strips, over which the peppercorns are sprinkled. Put the tray in the oven and, after an hour, add the white wine. The steak is ready when it is well browned on both sides.

Liver with white wine

The livers go well with white wine, so you need to consider the recipe. For four servings, you will need: 500 g chicken liver (a tray), 1 onion, 3-4 cloves garlic, 100 ml white wine, 50 ml tomato juice (or broth), 3-4 tablespoons oil of olives, 1 bunch of dill and salt and pepper to taste. Saute onions and garlic in olive oil, then add wine and liver and simmer for 20-30 minutes, stirring regularly. Then add the tomato juice, salt and pepper, finishing with sprinkling dill on top of the liver.

Baked shells in white wine

White wine and seafood are one of the most delicious food combinations. Be sure to choose a quality white wine like this to have a truly great dining experience.

Here's what you need: 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, 3 cloves garlic, 1/2 cup dry white wine, 1 kg. Clams, 3 tablespoons freshly chopped parsley, 1 lemon and salt and pepper to taste. Melt the butter in a pan and boil it with the wine. Then add the mussels and leave them on the fire for 5-7 minutes, covering the pan with a lid until the mussels open. Add the parsley and place the lemon slices on the edge of the plate.

Baked chicken legs with white wine

A simple recipe, absolutely delicious in which white wine makes its presence felt through its special aromas. You will need: 3-4 chicken legs, 1 clove of garlic, 200 millilitres of white wine, paprika, spices for chicken, salt, pepper, oil. The main part here is the garlic sauce with wine. Grind the garlic, rub it with oil and add the rest of the spices, then quench it with white wine. Pass each pulp through this mixture, then put everything in the oven until the meat is browned harmoniously. It's ready!

Shrimps in white wine sauce

A sophisticated dish, but as simple as possible to prepare. here's what you need: 500 g fresh shrimp, 2 dried hot peppers, 8 cloves garlic, 1 hand fresh parsley, 1 cup semi-dry white wine and olive oil. heat the olive oil and add the hot peppers, cleaned of seeds and chopped. The shrimp are washed, drained and sprinkled with a little lemon juice. then add the olive oil and pepper, along with half the amount of garlic. When they are almost browned, add the parsley, the remaining garlic and the glass of wine. simmer under the lid for 2 minutes, then serve with sauce, well-toasted homemade bread.


What kind of people should avoid drinking white wine and why?

Although it has many advantages, white wine remains an alcoholic beverage. Speaking of which, our recommendation is that pregnant women, those with heart failure and minors should avoid it. It has no specific disadvantages and does not present more risks, consumed in excess, than any other type of wine.

How is white wine served?

In order to make the most of its special qualities, we leave below some tips on how to drink white wine, which is full of refinement and flavour.

When considering its tasting, you must first think about the shape of the glass that suits it, that is, the "tulip" type glass with a foot. The bottom of the glass is essential in this combination, as the white wine is served cold, at a temperature between 10 and 12 degrees. If you held the glass with your hand around the cup, the wine would heat up faster and you would lose the chance to really enjoy the aroma.

The wine glass is not supposed to be full; the wine level must remain at the maximum diameter of the glass.

If you are attending a festive meal with a complex menu and you are going to try several types of wine (maximum three), remember to start with white wine every time, preferably dry. It can be followed by sweet or semi-sweet red wine. Dry wines should always be served at the beginning, to gradually reach the sweetest.

What are white wine sulphites?

The sulphites in wine are generally sulphur dioxide and some of the salts of sulfuric acid, which are added to this drink to prevent the growth of microorganisms.

In other words, these chemicals are used to prevent the wine from spoiling - losing its colour and having a vinegar taste. All wines with more than 10 mg/l of sulphites must have their presence on the label, in accordance with European Union regulations.

What foods are white wine consumed with?

If you do drink white wine in the context of a menu that goes better with red wine, you risk not enjoying the true taste of this drink. Therefore, it is important to know exactly what kind of food white wine is consumed with.

First of all, cheeses, of any kind, go very well with this type of wine, especially if it is dry. Pasta that contains cheese, such as Carbonara or Quatro Fromaggi, acquires a special taste when combined with dry white wines, such as Feteasca Alba or Sauvignon Blanc. Seafood and fish are associated with this type of wine. Chicken, being weaker, is also a good choice.

What is the right amount of white wine for daily consumption?

Nutritionist Karen Ansel believes that one glass of white wine a day for women and two for men help prevent many diseases, such as heart and nervous system (eg Alzheimer's).

Following his research, he concluded that wine is the healthiest alcoholic beverage, due to the polyphenols in its content, and that we should include it in our daily meals. Consuming a higher than recommended dose can seriously affect the body by increasing tolerance to alcohol.

Negative aspects of excessive wine consumption

Consumed without moderation, white wine leads to serious chronic diseases. For example, because it contains natural sugar, it can promote diabetes in your body by increasing the number of triglycerides. Cancer can also develop more easily due to excess white wine, especially breast cancer. And even if white wine is notorious for having a low risk of hangovers or headaches, too many glasses will definitely cause you migraines. Consumed in excess and in a short time, white wine, like any other alcoholic beverage, can induce alcoholic coma, a condition that involves a number of symptoms such as seizures, nausea and loss of consciousness.

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