What are the benefits of wine and what does moderate consumption mean..

Generally, specialists are talking about the negative effects of alcohol on the body. There are fewer materials in which we find certain benefits of alcoholic beverages, such as wine. In this case, a moderate consumption of wine can have benefits for the body.

Excessive alcohol is not good for your health. However, there are numerous studies that show that wine (good quality) is beneficial to the body, if it is consumed with moderation.

The nutritional value of red wine. Red wine contains the following vitamins and minerals - even if they are present in small quantities.

  • Potassium - it helps regulate heart rate, helps in the synthesis of protein and nucleic acid, energy production and the transformation of blood sugar into glycogen;
  • Phosphorus - it helps turn ingested food into energy. Phosphorus also helps kidney function, cell multiplication, metabolism and supports heart muscle contractions;
  • Choline - helps maintain overall health;
  • Fluoride - is a mineral that can prevent cavities and keep tooth enamel strong;

The health benefits of red wine. Smoking significantly affects the ability of blood vessels to relax naturally. Red wine reduces the negative effect of smoking on the endothelium - the layer of cells that form in a lining against the friction of the lymphatic vessels, blood and heart. 

New research shows that red wine contains melatonin. Melatonin helps regulate the biological clock, so drinking a glass of red wine before bed can be beneficial for sleep. Melatonin is also an antioxidant, which means it has anti-aging and anti-cancer properties. The wine contains resveratrol. Resveratrol has been shown to be an effective protector against Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Resveratrol has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. 

Researchers have found that each glass of red wine consumed daily can reduce the risk of certain cancers.

Red wine can prevent the onset and progression of atherosclerosis. Both the alcohol and the polyphenols in red wine seem to help maintain the health of blood vessels.

Because black grapes ferment with their skins intact, red wine retains a greater number of antioxidants - among which tannins and resveratrol are the best known. Even so, these health-beneficial compounds are also found in white wine.

The nutritional value of white wine. White wine also contains a number of nutrients, vitamins and minerals essential for the human body.

  • Vitamin B2, B3, B6 - the B vitamin complex is essential for the proper functioning of the body;
  • Potassium, iron - Potassium supports cell health and iron is part of haemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen to all cells in the body;
  • Manganese - for nerve health, immune system health and blood sugar regulation;
  • Calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus - are important nutrients for the body;

The health benefits of white wine. The antioxidants in white wine help fight oxidative stress. They also help relieve inflammatory conditions.

It can lower "bad" cholesterol levels. Wine contains compounds that help reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol (LDL) in the blood and, at the same time, increase the level of "good" cholesterol (HDL).

Helps improve the circulatory system. Thus, white wine is considered - almost - as effective as red wine in improving the functions of the heart and circulatory system.

It can help control weight - white wine - especially dry wine - has fewer calories than red wine, so it is best to accompany a light meal with fish and salad.

Improves sleep quality - as with diets, white wine consumed in moderation in the evening (no more than a glass) can contribute to quality sleep.

White wine contains fewer calories than red wine - the number of calories is not standard, but differs from one variety of wine to another and from one production method to another. The main criterion is the level of sugar in the grapes and the percentage of alcohol.

Other benefits of wine consumption include: providing energy for the body, improving digestion, stimulates the appetite and can help restore nutritional balance, creates a state of well-being, relaxation; a glass of wine to drink in the evening, quietly, on a terrace with friends helps to relax the body.

For most people, wine intake can be a beneficial thing. It is good to remember that people who consume wine in larger quantities than recommended, may experience opposite effects.

The main source of calories in wine is alcohol (87%). The higher the alcohol concentration (the harder it is), the more calories it contains. If you want to keep them under control, consume white wine with no more than 11% alcohol.

What does moderate wine consumption mean?

The only criterion we should consider in general for wine consumption is moderation: according to the American Heart Association, moderate consumption means two glasses of wine a day for men (about 200 millilitres) and one for women (about 100 millilitres).

Who should avoid drinking wine

People suffering from certain ailments should avoid drinking wine. These would include: people with high triglycerides, those suffering from migraines, people trying to lose weight, pregnant women, people with allergies

Excessive alcohol consumption, including wine, is also associated with negative health effects. It can increase the risk for some diseases: liver disease, certain types of cancer, increased blood pressure, heart failure or addiction.


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