Our beginning...

Starting from a quiet evening, two friends enjoying a glass of wine and a simple curiosity.

We began to see the liqueur in the glass with different eyes and to be interested, for the first time, in its aroma and taste, in its qualities. Enough to make us curious about what lies behind this drink, to discover the story.

As once stated by the great Spanish artist Salvador Dali, "He who knows how to taste, does not drink wine but savors secrets."

There are many who love wine, and there are more and more who want to understand it better, to know how to appreciate it. Wine itself is an art. The flavor. The bouquet. The pleasure. The technique. These are the ones who make the difference.

Wine is about time – it is said that wine gets better over time. That it becomes tastier and more precious. We believe that wine is also about the time you spend discovering the world in different ways. Because wine paves the way. We listen to stories, we debate ideas, concepts.

Wine is about people – it is about the people we share it with. About those who make us appreciate him. About dear people. About stories. About memories. About plans. About quality moments.

We created MYWONDERWINE to bring the stories of the Romanian Wines closer to you!

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